Acupuncture in Astana

Patients testimonials

Smirnova Evgenia, 33 years old
trigeminal neuralgia and neck osteochondrosis
“I would like to express my deep gratitude to Yuriy Gennadievich for the treatment provided. Within 10 procedures I was free of pain and generally began to feel much better. This is not the first time I’ve asked for help, I’m very glad that I can help my body without medications thanks to Yuriy Gennadievich.”

Agazhaeva Akmaral, 40 years old
facial neuritis
“In May I suffered from facial neuritis on the right side. I underwent two weeks of drug treatment, but it did not produce any visible results. Luckily for me, I came to Yuriy Gennadievich. I went through 2 courses of acupuncture with him, my face fell into place, which I was very happy about and very pleased with the result. Motor function has completely recovered, I can smile and laugh as before. With sincere gratitude to Yuriy Gennadievich, a professional in his field. Besides being a "golden" doctor, he is an excellent conversationalist.
Thank you so much Dr. Yuriy Park!! You restored my faith in myself!”

Okapova Aigul, 61 years old
osteochondrosis (dizziness)
“I tried different treatment methods (injections, pills, IVs, massage), but there was no improvement, it didn’t get any easier. In 2019, I turned to Dr. Yuriy Pak and his needle treatment opened my eyes, the pain subsided, my mood improved and my health was excellent!!!
I receive treatment twice a year and recommend it to everyone. Thank you very much, I wish you success in your work, grateful patients and good health.”

Kashkeeva A., 21 years old
neuritis of the facial nerve on the left
“I express my deep gratitude to Yuriy Gennadievich! I came from Almaty because I couldn’t find a doctor there. In 10 sessions, the muscles were completely restored and mobility returned. Thanks to the best doctor Yuriy Park!!!”

Aimukhamedov Miras, 34 years old
facial neuritis
“I would like to express my gratitude for the effective treatment and sensitive attention of Yuriy Gennadievich. The procedures had a beneficial effect not only in the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, but also on the entire body. With all my heart I want to wish you good health and grateful patients. Thanks to your professionalism and dedication, today I feel great and am pleased with the result.”

Mazurova Anastasia, 37 years old
cervical osteochondrosis, plexitis
“I’m very satisfied with the treatment, I got such relief. Yuriy Gennadievich is not only a good doctor, but also a wonderful person and psychologist. After treatment, there was a greater desire to rejoice, strive for dreams and live with pleasure. Enjoy every day, minute, second. I recommend it to anyone who wants to change themselves and their lives!!!”

Kuleshov Igor, 63 years old
Bell's palsy
“Took a course with Dr. Yuriy Gennadievich. I would like to note the high professionalism and individual approach! I express my deep gratitude for the effective treatment.
I wish you success and prosperity!”

Yensigenova Lazzat, 59 years old
facial nerve neuropathy, ptosis
“I went to the 1st city hospital with neuropathy of the right eye. They didn’t complete the treatment, so I turned to Dr. Yuriy Park with a diagnosis of ptosis. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Yuriy Gennadievich for his great professionalism, for his attentiveness, for my treatment and recovery. I want to say a big thank you to such a doctor, all the best to the family and most importantly health to Yuriy Gennadievich.”

Izbasarova Akzharkyn, 25 years old
Bell's palsy on the left
“I express my gratitude to Yuriy Gennadievich for the treatment and the results obtained! After 2 courses of acupuncture it became possible to restore the functioning of the facial muscles. The acupuncture procedure itself is painless and does not cause discomfort. I wish you prosperity, health and excellent results! Thank you!"

Kabzatova Aigerim, 26 years old
chronic ten years ago neuritis
“I express my gratitude to Yuriy Gennadievich for his treatment and professionalism. You have given me back the symmetry of my face, a wide smile and self-confidence! Thank you very much!"

Mazhitova Kunduz, 28 years old
facial neuritis
“I would like to express my deep gratitude to the professional in his field, Yuriy Gennadievich! Now I smile a big smile again and appreciate these important moments!
I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and grateful patients.”

Aigul Aubakirova, 44 years old
Bell's palsy
“I came to the center with a diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve on the right side, I faced this disease for the first time in my life, I didn’t even know that this could happen. Many thanks to Yuriy Gennadievich for curing me, I completed a ten-day course of treatment and everything was restored, now I’ll only come for consolidation. Thank you very much again."

Akhmetzhanova Dinara, 34 years old
facial paralysis
“Many thanks to Yuriy Gennadievich for his sensitivity and competent approach to treatment! My face has almost completely recovered, now I can smile, squint and blink!!! ;) Thank you very much!"

Khalibzhanova Aiganym, 49 years old
“Many thanks to Yuriy Gennadievich. I came in with severe lower back pain. Relief came immediately after 1 session, it’s like magic, there’s no other way to say. All subsequent sessions get better and better. No pain for today!!! I recommend Yuriy Gennadievich Pak, Doctor with a capital D, to all my family and friends.
Sincerely, Aiganym"

Bisserova Florianna, 40 years old
lumbar hernia
“After an exacerbation of the hernia, I once again ended up on Yuriн Gennadievich’s couch. After the first procedures, the pain decreased, then the stiffness in movement went away, and by the end of the course I was almost flying. Thank you for the treatment and moral support!
Be healthy!"

Toleugazy Saltanat, 15 years old
facial neuritis
In winter I encountered the disease facial neuritis. We immediately went to the clinic and I was hospitalized. Unfortunately, there was no result. We were very worried and started looking for a good acupuncturist. Based on reviews on the Internet, we found Dr. Yuriy Gennadievich. We made an appointment for a consultation and were immediately reassured. I received 2 courses of acupuncture and am very pleased with the results. The face has completely recovered, and all thanks to the best doctor Yuriy Park. If you have facial neuritis, do not waste time, sign up for a consultation with Yuriy Gennadievich and you will not regret it. Thank you very much."

Akbergenova Aigerim, 30 years old
facial nerve neuropathy
“I heard about Dr. Park long time ago, because although there have been many doctors in this field in Kazakhstan and Astana in recent years, there are very few truly competent and reliable ones, and the specialists are only found by recommendation. In August of this year, I received hypothermia and stress - the result was not long in coming - neuropathy of the facial nerve. After hospitalization, I immediately came to Yuriy Gennadievich. Is it a joke? The half of the face does not move, the eye does not close completely, facial expressions are difficult. Thanks to the doctor’s knowledge, technique and ecological treatment, we achieved the result: mobility and sensitivity were restored, and a number of recovery processes were accelerated.
With love and gratitude I want to wish Dr. Yuriy good health and new heights in your career, constant movement forward - after all, this person is constantly working on himself.”

Erzhanov Erkebulan, 25 years old
facial neuritis
“I thank Yuriy Gennadievich for his professionalism. My friends recommended you to me and I have never regretted it. Fast and painless. Thank you!!!"

Mazhitova Togzhan, 27 years old
arthritis of the jaw joint
“In 10 sessions I was cured of three years of torment. Now I can eat normally :)
Thank you very much! I would be very happy to recommend you to family and friends. And I’ll definitely come back again :) Thank you!”

Myrzatay Dana, 27 years old
facial neuritis on the left side
“I learned about Yuriy Gennadievich on Instagram. I came to him with facial neuritis. In 10 sessions my face was completely restored, my eye began to close, and my previous facial expressions returned.
Thank you very much to the doctor with a capital “D!”

Beisembinova Zhadyra, 30 years old
Bell's palsy
“I recieved treatment by acupuncturist Yuriy Gennadievich. I'm very pleased with the results. Thank you very much for your work and effort. I wish prosperity to your work. And most importantly, health."

Botbaeva Gauhar, 33 years old
trigeminal neuropathy
“During 2 courses of 10 days each, I had a big breakthrough. At the start of treatment, the right side of my face was constantly distorted. The eye practically did not open. After the first 10 days, the nervous tics almost disappeared, and there was a noticeable relaxation of the facial muscles, especially in the cheek area. During the 2nd course, the attacks of nervous tics stopped, the reaction to negative external influences, such as sharp wind, cold air, and extreme heat, noticeably decreased. “I am very grateful to Yuriy Gennadievich for the fact that now I can smile again and lead an ordinary life without hiding my distorted face.”

Abdrakhmanova Bayan, 44 years old
gastritis, pancreatitis
“I would like to express my deep gratitude for the feeling of lightness that I felt every day of treatment. Undoubtedly, there was a period of exacerbation (approximately on the 7th day of treatment), but this only meant that the body was reacting. But after that, I really felt quite at ease, my gastrointestinal tract came to life - I was even able to flutter to some extent from the energy that I received. I will definitely continue my further course.
With respect and trust!”

Turgumbay Madina, 15 years old
facial neuritis on the right
“I am Turgumbai Madina’s aunt. I found Yuriy Gennadievich Park on Instagram, brought my niece, and didn’t regret it one bit. He is a very good person, the doctor is very understanding, everything worked out for us the first time. Therefore, I highly recommend this doctor. 100% result. Thank you for your work. Wish you grateful patients and good health!”